I like the story "Samphire" as the author uses a wide variety of descriptive words to make the reader feel as if the characters sprang to life in the story. I manage to visualise the story easily with the author's language. In addition, the author uses the literary device, repitition, in the story to emphasise main points in the story making the reader paying more attention to those parts.
I learnt that we should be sensitive towards other's feelings and should not drive a person to their limits as that might break them down resulting in unpleasant situations to occur.
10 difficult words:
tang - a strong taste or flavor.
pneumatic - of or pertaining to air, gases, or wind.
octave - a tone on the eighth degree from a given tone.
falsetto - an unnaturally or artificially high-pitched voice or register, esp. in a man.
fondle - to handle or touch lovingly, affectionately, or tenderly; caress: to fondle a precious
object; to fondle a child.
aplomb - imperturbable self-possession, poise, or assurance.
assaulted - a violent physical or verbal attack.
writhed - to twist the body about, or squirm, as in pain, violent effort, etc.
promenade - a stroll or walk, esp. in a public place, as for pleasure or display.
steeplejack - a person who climbs steeples, towers, or the like, to build or repair them.
coined - devised
I learnt that we should be sensitive towards other's feelings and should not drive a person to their limits as that might break them down resulting in unpleasant situations to occur.
10 difficult words:
tang - a strong taste or flavor.
pneumatic - of or pertaining to air, gases, or wind.
octave - a tone on the eighth degree from a given tone.
falsetto - an unnaturally or artificially high-pitched voice or register, esp. in a man.
fondle - to handle or touch lovingly, affectionately, or tenderly; caress: to fondle a precious
object; to fondle a child.
aplomb - imperturbable self-possession, poise, or assurance.
assaulted - a violent physical or verbal attack.
writhed - to twist the body about, or squirm, as in pain, violent effort, etc.
promenade - a stroll or walk, esp. in a public place, as for pleasure or display.
steeplejack - a person who climbs steeples, towers, or the like, to build or repair them.
coined - devised

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