Friday, March 30, 2007

The Greatest Gift

This story talks about George Pratt who was pessimistic towards life. One day while he was standing on the iron bridge, he met a stranger who could read his thoughts and granted his wish when he mentioned that he wanted to disappear. Since then, George was horrified as the situation he was in changed drastically. He came across a series of unfortunate events such as robberies. He freaked out and wanted to go back to the real world. He pleaded the strange man to send him back to the real world and was lucky that the stranger agreed. After this incident, he was more optimistic towards life.

I found that this was the best story among the others I had read which includes Samphire, Naema Disparue (Whereabouts Unknown) and The limits of trooghaft. This story touches an important aspect of our life and many of us teenagers are just like George with no aim in life and better off dead.

I have learnt that we must always look on the bright side of life. Many of us will no doubt face ups and downs in life. However, we should never be discouraged when met with problems which are not in our favour. We should persevere till the end as the situation might change for the better.

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